Earn higher interest rates on your short-term investments.

The Australian Securities Term Fund (ASTF) offers a well-balanced conservative investment strategy, providing low-risk secure returns. As an investor, you will receive access to a diversified investment pool spread across First Mortgage Securities with low Loan to Valuation Ratios and cash equivalent investments with approved credit ratings. The Fund is a suitable holding account while waiting for placement in other Australian Securities Fund schemes.

Term Fund



*Net average 31 day return rate 30 November 2024

Past Performance is no guarantee of future Performance

Short-term income investments

Earn Regular Monthly Income

Members who invest in the Term Fund will be paid interest monthly. Interest can be paid directly to your chosen bank account, or interest can be reinvested monthly. Indicative rates are averaged each month as returns from the Fund are variable from month-to-month.

Higher potential returns

Members have the potential to earn higher returns than traditional bank cash investment schemes. How? The unique structure of the Fund provides higher short-term returns by merging the lower returns of cash equivalents with the higher returns of First Mortgage Security investments.

Diversified for conservative risk appetites

The Australian Securities Term Fund is a diversified investment pool spread across Mortgage Securities and Cash equivalent investments. The Fund invests in a range of Australian diversified First Mortgage securities, where the Loan to Valuation ratio is below 66% and a range of cash equivalent investments with approved credit ratings from S&P, Moody’s and authorised deposit-taking institutions protected by the Australian Government’s Financial Claims Scheme.

Fund Overview


The Australian Securities Term Fund is a unique short-term investment Fund providing Members with the opportunity to receive similar or higher returns than traditional bank cash investment schemes or cash equivalents on a 90-day term.

How it works

Potential investors apply to us to invest a minimum of $10,000 in the Australian Securities Term Fund with a minimum 90 days initial investment Term. Withdrawals from the Fund can be made anytime after the 90 days initial investment period, with 14 days’ notice in writing. Income is paid monthly from the commencement of the investment.

Why invest in this Fund?

The Australian Securities Term Fund [ASTF] offers Members the opportunity to earn higher interest rates on short-term investments by parking their funds in the [ASTF] while awaiting other investment opportunities in the Australian Securities Income Fund or Australian Securities Property Fund.

Low-risk investment

The Australian Securities Term Fund is an unlisted managed investment scheme with traditional, conservative investment principles. Risk scenarios are kept in check by adhering to a balanced investment strategy. To safeguard Member funds and build on our history for providing conservative, low-risk investment schemes, we have Board-approved weightings, which are reviewed every three months to ensure the Fund meets the overall investment strategy as set out in the scheme’s Product Disclosure Statement.

Balanced Fund Weightings

The Australian Securities Term Fund provides a balanced Cash and Mortgage Security weighting to reflect its reduced risk scenario, being approximately 60% invested in Cash & Term Deposits and up to 40% with a maximum allocation of 55% invested in First Mortgage Securities.

Transparency and Reporting

Members are assured a low risk investment and a monthly income. Members can keep abreast of Fund results via the Wealth Management portal which provides statements, regular monthly performance analysis and historical quarterly reporting. The ASTF Annual Report is available below.

The Australian Securities Team is available to answer any additional questions you may have.

Investor Suitability

The Term Fund is suitable for wealth creation managers seeking short or long-term interest options for their clients. The Fund also caters for Retirees, Private Investors, SMSFs, Foundations and Charities, providing greater cash diversification and a lower level of investment risk.

Fees & Costs

A low-cost investment structure

There are no entry or exit fees to become a Member of the Australian Securities Term Fund, and no Custodian fees are charged. Withdrawals from the Fund can be made any time after the three months initial investment period. Member investments can remain in the Term Fund earning interest after this period on a month to month basis and may be withdrawn at any time with 14 days notice in writing. No 14 day notice or 90 day minimum period applies, in the case where transfers are made to an alternate Australian Securities Investment Fund. Investors are charged a flat low-cost management fee of 0.80% per annum (only while your funds are invested). The Management Fee is paid to Australian Securities as the Responsible Entity for the Fund. The Term Fund Product Disclosure Statement provides more information on the Fund, including management fees and minimum investment amounts.

Fund Performance

Benchmark Rate*


*Fund performance benchmark is based on rolling average 12-month cash target rate + 1%, 30 November 2024

90 Day Ave Rate*


*Net average return rate, 30 November 2024

60 Day Ave Rate*


*Net average return rate, 30 November 2024

30 Day Ave Rate*


*Net average return rate, 31 30 November 2024

Comparative Performance

Investment Rate Comparisons. Source: RBA

Fund Weighting

Current investment weightings for the Australian Securities Term Fund*

*Cash weighting approx. as of 31 December 2023. This weighting is variable from month to month. The Fund manager endeavours to balance Cash investments at approx. 50% to meet the Funds conservative risk investment strategy.

ASIC Benchmarks

ASIC Regulatory Guide RG45 (revised 9 May 2012) has eight benchmarks for unlisted mortgage schemes for Scheme Members and prospective retail or wholesale investors to understand better and assess the risks, rewards and suitability of this form of investment. Review how our Fund deals with each benchmark in the ASIC Benchmark Overview in the Term Fund PDS which can be downloaded from the investor resources page

Reports and Updates

Product Disclosure Statement and Target Market Determination

Apply now

If you are interested in opportunities to grow wealth, simply start the process by applying online or complete the application form in the Funds PDS and email to – [email protected]

Have questions? Call us on 1300 275 275. We don’t have call centres, you’ll talk directly to our investment managers or executives when you call.

Your questions answered

Don’t see your question below. We’re happy to answer any questions you may have. Contact us online or call us on 1300 275 275. We don’t have call centres. You’ll talk directly to investment managers or executives, when you call.

No. Retail or Wholesale investors can make investments with a minimum investment of $10,000. It is recommended that retail investors carefully read the PDS and the TMD to ascertain if this investment is suitable and or seek professional advice.

Yes. Membership is free. Management fees are only charged when you invest in a Scheme.
No. The Term Fund is not a Bank Term Deposit. It involves more risk and often provides higher returns than a Bank Term Deposit. A Term Fund investment comprises securitised mortgages and cash equivalent investments administered by the Funds Manager.
Yes, Members are paid a variable rate of return averaged at the end of each month, credited to their chosen bank account. Historical rates are available to view under Fund Performance.
No. It’s your choice. You can withdraw your funds after 90 days with 14 days’ notice, or after this period, your investment funds can remain in the ASTF basis earning monthly income, with only a 14-day notice required for withdrawals. Minimum withdrawal amounts apply; please refer to the PDS.