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Meet Jassika Sothinathan – Operations Manager at Australian Securities

At Australian Securities, our team is the heart of our success. Today, we’re delighted to introduce you to Jassika, our Operations Manager, who has been an integral part of our team for the last two years.

"It has been an absolute pleasure having Jassika on our team for the past two years. She is the glue that holds us together. Jassika's problem-solving skills and adaptability in a dynamic financial environment are highly valued by everyone at ASL."

Q&A with Jassika Sothinathan

It was clear that Jassika loves her role and the supportive team at Australian Securities when we caught up to learn more about her. Here’s what she had to say.

Q. Tell us about your role at Australian Securities.

Jassika’s role at Australian Securities is multifaceted and ever-evolving. From system improvements to problem-solving, she navigates the daily challenges with a smile. “What I love most about my job is the dynamic nature of the role,” Jassika shares. “Each day brings new challenges and opportunities for problem-solving, which keeps me on my toes and is, in turn, rewarding. It never gets boring.”

Q. Name one of the most important lessons you’ve learnt throughout your career.

“One of the most valuable lessons I’ve learned throughout my career is the importance of adaptability,” she reflects. “Embracing this mindset allows me to stay flexible and take on any challenges that come my way.” She believes her ability to adapt has allowed her to thrive in the fast-paced world of finance.

Q. Which Australian Securities value do you resonate with the most and why?

When asked about the Australian Securities value that resonates with her the most, Jassika doesn’t hesitate. “The value I resonate the most with is Trustworthiness. Trust is the foundation of any relationship, whether with clients, colleagues or personal relationships. It ensures that we create strong, lasting, loyal relationships and uphold the highest standards in everything we do.”

At Australian Securities, trust is at the core of what we do. We understand that our clients and the financial advisors we work with entrust us with their financial futures. As Jassika emphasises, by consistently delivering on our promises and communicating transparently, we strengthen these vital bonds.

Q. How do you like to spend your time when you aren’t working?

Jassika has an entrepreneurial spirit inspired by her parents, who started their own business when she was just 5. “If I weren’t in Finance, I would probably run my own business,” she shares. “Seeing my parents run their own business and create a name for themselves in the community is inspiring.”

Q. What would you do (for a career) if you weren’t doing this?

Outside of work, Jassika’s passion lies in Indian dancing. “When I’m not working, you’ll find me dancing or choreographing,” she explains. “I’ve learnt classical Indian dancing from the age of 5, and I now run a side gig with my friend where we perform at various events and teach wedding dances, which is a big part of South Asian culture.” This creative outlet provides a beautiful balance to her analytical work at Australian Securities.

Q. Do you have a favourite person, book, blog or podcast that has influenced your life and career?

Jassika says her mother has had the biggest influence on her life and career. “My mum instilled my core values in me and is also the reason I got into dancing. She taught me the importance of integrity, responsibility, and always giving 100% in everything you do.”

If there were one piece of advice you would have to share with existing and prospective clients, what would it be?

For our clients, both existing and prospective, Jassika has one key piece of advice: “One piece of advice I would share with existing and prospective clients is to always be transparent and communicate openly. Help us help you.” At Australian Securities, we’re here to serve our clients’ needs in the most effective way possible, and open communication is essential to that process.

We’re proud to have Jassika as part of our Australian Securities family. Her commitment to trust, adaptability, and excellence embodies the values we hold dear. As we continue to serve our clients with their lending and investment needs, we know that with team members like Jassika, we’re in the best hands possible.

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